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Some of you asked about the machine, there’s a video where you can see it working. It’s real-time, it’s no faster needed.

The first is going. Ahí va el primero. We wish him well in his new home and its new owner to enjoy.

Here you can see some Syk view, we hope you like it and you could have one with your other toys soon.   Do you want one?

Esta es nuestra máquina para hacer los toys. Metemos el molde en la lata para fijarlo bien, encendemos y a dar vueltas durante un rato! Agradecemos a Jose Luis, una […]

This is our toy making machine. We put the mold into the can, switch on, and turn a lot! There were some previous versions that worked so bad or destroy […]

Preparamos el prototipo, mezclamos la silicona con su catalizador y vertemos la mezcla sobre el prototipo.

Preparing the prototipe, mix silicon rubber and catalizator and pour over it.

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46138 - Rafelbunyol (Valencia)
963 297 751