Brew Toys second edition will be on June 25th and 26th. An event with a mixture of fresh beer, art toys, forum and auction. This is possible thanks to the union of Zeta Beer and Syntetyk, and the support of Vinyl Escape, ADCV and Las Naves.
In our opinion the first edition was a success. You can see what happened here. And if what you like is to see the toys, you can do it from here and here.
There are two innovations in Brew Toys #2: Customizating process will be in live, so everybody will be able to watch it. And the money obtained will be donated to a special project.
With the aim of being more interesting to the people, the art toys will be live customized by all the invited artists. This way makes accessible something what uses to be hidden in the studios: The creative process.
The other innovation is the destination of the funds, that will be for Free Design Bank. Project supported by Manuel Bañó to work for a fairer world and recover the post pure design aim: Solve problems.
Will work in Brew Toys #2:
- Flüke
- Dr. Zamenhof
- Mr. Zyan
- Mr. Simon
- Kilo
- Dani Salvador
- Ink Bad Company
- Alberto Silla
- Jorge Lawerta
- Mik Baro
- Vinyl Escape
- Jorge Lizandra
- Swing
- Cristian Fish
- Juan Carlos Iñesta
- Juan Díaz-Faes
- Alicia García
- Joan Quirós
- Kike Correcher
- Syntetyk
Hope see you there!